The Positive Effects of Gambling
Gambling is the act of betting money or something of value on a chance event. This can be as simple as a game of chance like bingo or casino games.
While gambling is not always bad for society, some people have problems with it. In fact, problem gambling affects one in four Americans. Problem gamblers have a hard time controlling their urge to gamble. They may lie to family and friends about their gambling, miss work to gamble, and spend their paychecks on gambling.
The negative effects of gambling are often overlooked. But studies on the subject have shown that gambling has a number of positive aspects, too. For example, revenues from gambling can be directed to beneficial causes. Public services benefit from the money spent on gambling.
Those who are addicted to gambling need help. Counselling is free and confidential. Many organisations offer support to families affected by the disorder. It is also important to reach out to friends and family.
A more scientific approach, which is often used in alcohol and drug research, measures the positive effects of gambling by using a cost-benefit analysis. Basically, this looks at the economic, social, and health benefits of the activity.
There are a number of different impact studies that examine the health and social effects of gambling. Most of these studies are focused on problems.
However, a few studies have looked at the positive effects of gambling. For example, the Australian gambling industry has estimated that the consumer surplus from the activity is $8 to $11 billion a year.